Video: Begin Deprogramming

November 21, 2008

by LukeAmerica2020
Continuing the move to resist liberal democrats … “we’re rejecting your poison and throwing it back at you.”

This video is from the MachoSauceProductions YouTube channel.


The Obama Factor: Dear RNC

November 17, 2008

by LukeAmerica2020
Here’s the latest edition of Michael C. Brown’s conservative commentary. He’s the writer/director/producer of the 2008 election season’s most popular video “Dear Mr. Obama”. Currently that video has more than 13 MILLION views.

He has recently created a new channel on YouTube, The Obama Factor. We encourage you to join the lively discussion there with your comments. This is a MUST VIEW presentation!

This is a video letter to the RNC telling them to clean house or suffer the consequences. Conservatives are mad, and we are watching.


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Michael Steele for RNC Chairman

November 15, 2008

by LukeAmerica2020
On the 7th of November in the commentary “Overdue: Criminal Procrastination“, I noted the shortcomings of the nearly anonymous RNC chairman Mike Duncan. On the 11th, in the news story “RNC Chairman’s Race 2009“, the eight candidates for the position were listed.

On the 13th, Michael Steele announced on Fox News’ H&C that he wants to lead the Republican Party. Here’s the video clip:

(read this entire post…)

The Obama Factor: Chris Matthews

November 14, 2008

by LukeAmerica2020
Here’s the latest edition of Michael C. Brown’s conservative commentary. He’s the writer/director/producer of the 2008 election season’s most popular video “Dear Mr. Obama”. Currently that video has more than 13 MILLION views.

He has recently created a new channel on YouTube, The Obama Factor. We encourage you to join the lively discussion there with your comments.


RNC Chairman’s Race 2009

November 11, 2008

by LukeAmerica2020
After another major party loss, Republican National Committee chairman Mike Duncan is considering a run for re-election. But, he’ll face a slate of better known potential candidates. The RNC will elect its new chair at the party’s winter meeting in DC just after the inauguration.

Duncan’s contenders for the competitive race include these seven: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael S. Steele, former Mike Huckabee campaign manager Chip Saltsman, White House budget chief and former Iowa U.S. Representative Jim Nussle, former New Hampshire Senator John Sununu, South Carolina GOP Chair Katon Dawson, and Michigan GOP Chair Saul Anuzis. (read this entire post…)

Overdue: Criminal Procrastination

November 7, 2008

by LukeAmerica2020
Blog hoppers, news hounds, disenchanted conservatives, and other venerable ilk … lend me an ear. For today, this enlightening day, we’ll delve into an adventure of discovery elucidating the poignant consequences of the runaway collapse of morality in western culture. Yes; that ineffable vice of which I dare to speak is none other than pernicious procrastination … and its far-reaching detriment to our center-right nation.

Now before you relegate my pungent distress to the scatological realm of male bovine excrement, allow me to assert two rebuttals at this juncture. First, I am not afflicted with Bidenesque rhetorical flourishes. Second, and more importantly, powered with an online thesaurus I can hurl salvos of adjectives at you faster than a ravenous cheetah. (read this entire post…)